No pressure
22 October 2015The “Napoletana”
Or this extraction coffee has to be roughly ground, in order to let water leach smoothly from the powder.
Fill up with natural mineral water the part of the coffee maker that will be put on the stove; it is better to pre-heat the water in order to reduce the permanence on the stove and “stress” the coffee less.
Insert the filter previously filled up with ground coffee, and then close with the spout this part of the coffee maker.
When some water starts leaking from a specific hole on the wall of the boiler, it is time to switch off the heat and turn the coffee maker upside down as the water will have reached the boiling point. After the time required for the water to leach from the coffee powder, it can be served. Low temperature and lack of pressure give a drink full and rich in its taste; even if it is less dense than the moka pot, most typical “burning” smells are avoided.