The weight of coffee beans
Small plantations from Central and South America, India and Africa supply us. For us is an expensive choice, but their work is really worth it: small yield per hectare and great quality. The plants from which get coffee drupes grow immersed in the local flora, scattered among other plants. Each of them gives its contribution to the harvest, sometimes offering shadow or modifying the soil or the air fragrance, attracting animals that make the ground alive.
The plantations we go to are gardens.
In these cultivations the ecosystem is intentionally preserved, because natural biodiversity is an essential ingredient for the kind of coffee we look for. Every region, every land plot has its own personality and this is due to the biological richness of the place. The rhythm of the nature is our noblest ingredient.

Collected by hand, fruit by fruit, selected according to the right ripeness, our coffee does not know any way other than that of sustainable farming. The high quality of any of our proposals comes only from the attention with which we enhance the nature work.
Producers look for us.