15 July 2013BRAZIL – Red soil
Daterra is a Brazilian fazenda in Minas Gerais, the country of mines. It is big, meticulously organized and has various kinds of coffee. It was the first farm to be certified by Rainforest Alliance. There we saw mechanical harvesting for the first time. This should explain how far we are from industrial productions…Daterra supplies us since 2011. They are very friendly and hospitable, they dedicate a small tree called ipe branco to every guest. We welcomed them at our coffee roasting plant in Bologna for a workshop on technical tasting.
Biodiversity is expressed in the variety of plants and animals that populate the plantations: in Brazil, for example, it is represented by ant eaters in the midst of the rows.
In Brazil we also saw the so-called nurseries, huge greenhouses where small plants of coffee grow during their early years before getting transplanted in the fields.